Spinnaker Sailing in Redwood City began in 1980 with a mission to develop a comprehensive sail training program that would give sailors the skills, knowledge and confidence to sail anywhere in the world. Since then, Spinnaker Sailing has established itself as a leader in sailing education and taught thousands of students to safely sail here on the San Francisco Bay and around the world.
As an American Sailing Association Affiliate, the courses are designed to give students internationally recognized certification through the American Sailing Association. But more than just certification, when you complete your courses at Spinnaker Sailing you’ll leave with a sense of accomplishment and the confidence to sail anywhere in the world.
Our staff consists of dedicated professionals with years of sailing and teaching experience. They are knowledgeable sailors and great communicators, making learning to sail safe and enjoyable. Our staff is available to answer your questions about our classes, sailing club, charters, vacations, and more.
Our specialized courses and curriculum give students the knowledge and skills to safely and confidently sail anywhere in the world. Our Learn to Sail Guarantee is Spinnaker Sailing’s way of assuring you that you will be able to sail confidently when you successfully complete your courses.
School Location:
451 Seaport Court, Redwood City CA 94063
From San Francisco:
Get on 101 South. Take the Seaport Blvd Exit and stay to the left, going over Woodside Road and winding around under 101 and going towards the bay. Follow signs to the Port of Redwood City. About a mile down the road you will see the marina on the left side and there will be a traffic light there, at Seaport Ct. Make a left at the light and keep left near the boats. Look for the our building on the left.
From San Jose:
Take 85 to 101 north. Take the Woodside Road/Seaport Blvd exit and stay on the right (Seaport Blvd). Follow signs to the Port of Redwood City. In about a mile down the road you will see the marina on the left side and there will be a traffic light there, at Seaport Ct. Make a left at the light and keep left near the boats. Look for our building on the left.
From Fremont:
Take 84 over the Dumbarton Bridge and keep going straight, past Marsh Road and along the frontage road. Make a right at Seaport Blvd. Follow signs to the Port of Redwood City. About a mile down the road you will see the marina on the left side and there will be a traffic light there, at Seaport Ct. Make a left at the light and keep left near the boats. Look for the our building on the left.
The staff and instructors at Spinnaker Sailing are a group of dedicated professionals with extensive sailing experience.
Whatever your interest – whether it’s learning to sail as a beginner, honing your skills as an experienced cruiser or racer, or getting certified to charter locally or overseas – the staff and instructors at Spinnaker Sailing are ready to help you achieve your goals. We are committed to facilitating sailing experiences that are safe and enjoyable.
Want to contact someone directly?
Contact Rich, The Chief
Contact Bob, School Director & Vacations Director
Contact Dana, Officer Crew
Rich Ferrari is the founding owner of Spinnaker Sailing. Rich began teaching sailing in 1977 for a Community College sailing program. In 1980 he started Spinnaker Sailing with 2 other friends. Rich has been managing the Sailing School and Club for over 30 years.
Our Head Instructor Bob Diamond is a 100-ton Coast Guard licensed captain as well as an ASA instructor evaluator and ASA school evaluator. Bob is a regular contributor to the ASA curriculum committee, upgrading and improving sailing texts and standards. He is one of the contributing authors of the new ASA text, “Sailing Made Easy.” Bob is also the sailing vacations director involved in organizing and running all of Spinnaker overseas charter vacations. Bob has been leading trips to all parts of the world for over 25 years.
Dana Ochstein was born and raised in South Florida where she grew up diving, power boating and sailing. After her first semester in college she was thrust into the live aboard/ cruising lifestyle after her parents sold their house and moved onto their sailboat. Dana has worked and lived in many places around the world including the Florida Keys, Israel, India and Washington, DC. She has a USCG 100 ton captain’s license as well as her ASA instructor certification for teaching up to Bareboat Chartering (104).
Armida Meraz was born in San Francisco and lived in Daly City for over 27 years. She graduated from San Jose State University in 2022, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies to pursue a career in administration. After onboarding at Spinnaker in January 2023, she took her first course and was immediately intrigued by the physics of sailing. She is thrilled to share and expand on her newfound appreciation for sailing with members of her community.