Spinnaker Instructors
Ken Inouye 2

ken inouye

Since 1975, Ken has sailed San Francisco Bay as well as coastal sailing from Drakes Bay to Monterey, and out to the Farallones.

Ken has been the owner of the wooden gaff rigged ketch Makani Kai since 1979 and has raced in the Annual Master Mariners Regatta since 1984, winning his division in 1992, 1995, 1996, 1998. Makani Kai has also raced in the St. Francis Jessica Cup, winning in 2000.

Chartering outside the Bay Area has included the San Juan Islands, Hawaii, and the East Coast from Falmouth, Massachusetts to Portland, Maine. Deliveries have included crewing a Farr 48 from Victoria BC to San Francisco.


  • ASA Certified Instructor in Basic Small Boat Sailing, Basic Keelboat SailingBasic Coastal CruisingCoastal NavigationBareboat Charter, and Advanced Coastal Cruising
  • US Sailing Basic Keelboat Instructor
  • 30 years sailing experience in the San Francisco Bay
  • Lifetime Member & Past Commodore (2002-2004) Master Mariners Benevolent Association
  • Coyote Point Yacht Club Member
  • NAUI certified scuba diver